2026 Enrolments will open from Tuesday 22nd April. School tour dates will be advertised in March. For enquiries please phone 9457 2259

Camps, Excursions and Incursions at Heidelberg Primary School
Heidelberg Primary School offers a wider variety of incursions and excursions to all year levels to further enrich the learning opportunities presented to our students. In addition to these experiences our students also receive the opportunity to engage with an age appropriate camping program.
An overview of the current program can be found below:
- Foundation – Foundation Breakfast
- Year 1 & Year 2 – Twilight Evening: activities and dinner at school, with early evening pick-up
- Year 3 – 3 Days /2 nights at Mt Evelyn Recreation Camp
- Year 4 - 3 days/2 nights at Lady Northcote Recreational Camp
- Year 5 – 3 days/2 nights at Alexandra Adventure Resort
- Year 6 – 4 days/3 nights at Camp Kangaroobie