Student Leadership and Junior School Council
Students have a positive contribution to make within the decision-making processes of the school. When students are actively involved in these processes, they have an enhanced sense of commitment to the school and its programs.
The Heidelberg Primary School Junior School Council aims to:
- Provide students with a sense of pride and achievement
- Develop caring and responsible attitudes within the children
- Provide an avenue for the development of ‘student voice’ within the school
- Raise student awareness of issues and associated support options that they can contribute to
- Provides a forum for students to openly discuss concerns, issues, opportunities for improvement and to celebrate success
- To enable coordinated fund raising for Social Services within the local and broader community
How Often does the Junior School Council Meet?
The representatives are responsible for discussing issues and then reporting back to their grade what was discussed and the outcomes of those discussions. It is at these meetings that Junior School Councillors can make recommendations that affect the whole school. The JSC members each have a turn conducting the meetings and co-ordinate all minutes with support from their JSC teacher. Junior School Council recommendations require the approval of the Principal, Staff, and where appropriate, School Council, prior to implementation.
Each member of our JSC wear a badge which informs every one of the important role they hold in our school, and this makes them identifiable so that other students can go to them with suggestions and ideas.