2026 Enrolments will open from Tuesday 22nd April. School tour dates will be advertised in March. For enquiries please phone 9457 2259

Heidelberg Primary School Staff
Leadership Team
Naomi Ivers
Helen Thomas
Assistant Principal
Monique Rankin
Assistant Principal
Stef Galvin
Learning Specialist
Nicola Colgate-Jones
Learning Specialist
Tegan Griffiths
Learning Specialist
Teaching Team
- Faye Phillips
- Tom Grisdale
- Katelyn Tino
Year 1
- Libby Langlands
- Gemma Lindsay-Knape
- Sarah Santeara
Year 2
- Stef Galvin/ Sheri Booth
- Yana Li
- Charlie Hughes
- Brad Kendall
Year 3
- Heather Gordon
- Joy Sun
- Candice Sheldon-Collins
- Ellie Taylor
Year 4
- Anouka Hoppmann-Smith
- Leigh Barry
- Liam Szczepanski
Year 5
- Danielle Durando
- Jonathan Wilisoni
- Bec Paterson/ Fiona Welsh
Year 6
- Nicola Colegate-Jones/ Monique La Valle
- Taniya Senanayake
- Simon Lovett
- Halbeen Kobani
Physical Education
- Ethan Griffiths
- Tahnee Pape
- Peter Ruff
- Fiona Greville
- Ryoko DeCunto
- Satoko Kuhlman
The Arts
- Laura Ghiotti
- Ewen Soo
- Denise Pilinis
Tutor Learning Initiative
- Sally Morgan
Educational Support Team
Educational Support Staff
Business Manager - Sam Thornton
Admissions Officer - Vickie Bird
Facilities Manager - Jack Thornton
School Age Care Director - Vimmy Abraham
First Aid Officer - Sue Zerna
Student Support
Mel Katz
Ghada Al-Den
Kris Sebalj
Kelly Spratt
Kristy Young
Matt Aldridge
Amy Fredrickson
Stella Anyaogu
Thuy Farmer
Renee Daaboul