2026 Enrolments will open from Tuesday 22nd April. School tour dates will be advertised in March. For enquiries please phone 9457 2259

School Council & Sub-Committees

2023 School Council Members

Executive Officer: Naomi Ivers

DET Members: Carol Dawson, Justin Lania, Helen Thomas, Sam Thornton

Parent Members: Chris Chan, Scott Crawford, Enaksha Garde, Dannielle Goodman, Hugh McKenzie, Bronwyn Robins, Emma-Jane Stabb, Steve Zigomanis

President: Emma-Jane Stabb
Vice President: TBA
Treasurer: Rebecca Patena
Community Engagement and Fundraising: Rebecca Patena
Secretary: Helen Thomas


The School Council offers the opportunity for wider participation by parents through various sub-committees. A number of these sub-committees operate to help with the smooth running of the school. The sub-committees meet monthly and report back to the School Council. Interested parents are warmly invited to attend or join any committee that interests them and so help to contribute to improvements for your children.

  • Buildings & Grounds 
  • Education 
  • Finance 
  • Community Engagement
  • School Aged Care (SAC)